


发布时间:2023-12-18 18:25:50阅读次数:








研究领域:能源利用中CO2捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)、CO2管道输送及驱替地面集输、油田CCUS + EOR技术、碳烟污染物生成机理与防治、富氧和化学链燃烧CO2减排及应用技术研究、生物质等可再生能源利用和转化研究。


(1)2008.09 - 2012.06,吉林大学,热能工程,学士

(2)2012.09 - 2015.06,华中科技大学,热能工程,硕士

(3)2015.09 - 2019.09,华中科技大学,热能工程,博士

(4)2019.06- 2021.12,华中科技大学,力学,博士后




[1] Mengting Si, Jiani Liu, et al. Effect of co-combustion of coal with biomass on the morphology of soot. Renewable Energy, 2024, 226: 120374.(中科院一区,TOPIF = 9.000

[2] Mengting Si, Qiang Cheng, et al. Evolution of physicochemical characteristics of soot in a single coal combustion flame. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 260: 113243.(中科院一区,TOPIF = 5.168

[3] Mengting Si, Qiang Cheng, et al. Physical and chemical characterization of two kinds of coal-derived soot. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 238: 111759.(中科院一区,TOPIF = 5.168

[4] Mengting Si, Qiang Cheng, et al. Study on the combustion behavior of single coal particle using a thermal-imaging technique. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 242: 112178.(中科院一区,TOPIF = 5.168

[5] Mengting Si, Qiang Cheng, et al. Study on combustion behavior and soot formation of a single coal particle using hyper-spectral imaging technique. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 233: 111568.(中科院一区,TOPIF = 5.168

[6] Mengting Si, Qiang Cheng, et al. Study on high temporal-spatial distribution of soot temperature and volume fraction in a single coal combustion flame. Combustion Science and Technology, 2021, 2021: 1-12.(中科院四区,IF = 1.700

[7] Mengting Si, Qiang Cheng, et al. Study of temperature, apparent spectral emissivity, and soot loading of a single burning coal particle using hyper-spectral imaging technique. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 209: 267-277.(中科院一区,TOPIF = 5.168

[8] Mengting Si, Qiang Cheng, et al. Simultaneous reconstruction of the temperature and inhomogeneous radiative properties of soot in atmospheric and pressurized ethylene/air flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 2019, 2019: 1-17.(中科院四区,IF = 1.700

[9] Mengting Si, Qiang Cheng, et al. Study on inversion of morphological parameters of soot aggregates in hydrocarbon flames. Combustion and Flame, 2017, 183: 261-270.(中科院一区,TOPIF = 5.168

[10] Jinlin Song, Mengting Si, et al. Two-dimensional trilayer grating with a metal/insulator/metal structure as a thermophotovoltaic emitter. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(6): 1284-1290. (中科院四区,IF = 1.700)

[11] Yang Liu, Qiang Cheng, Mengting Si, et al. The effect of BRDF surface on radiative transfer within a two-dimensional graded index medium. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017 117: 90-97. (中科院二区,IF = 4.900)

[12] Jiale Chai, Qiang Cheng, Mengting Si, et al.. Numerical simulation of white double-layer coating with different submicron particles on the spectral reflectance. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017, 189: 176-180. (中科院二区,IF = 2.133)

[13] Zhihao Jia, Qiang Cheng, Jinlin Song, Mengting Si, et al. Optical properties of a grating-nanorod assembly structure for solar cells. Optics Communications, 2016, 376: 14-20. (中科院三区,IF = 2.200)

[14] Yang Su, Qiang Cheng, Jinlin Song, Mengting Si. Numerical study on a multiple-channel micro combustor for a micro-thermophotovoltaic system. Energy Conversion Management, 2016, 120: 197-205. (中科院一区,IF = 10.400)

[15] 司梦婷, 何亦轩, 陶梦杰, 程强. BRDF对燃烧气体辐射传热影响. 2019年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学术年会, 10月24-27, 天津

[16] 司梦婷, 刘洋, 程强, 娄春. 碳氢火焰中碳黑团聚物的形貌参数反演研究. 2016年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学术年会, 10月21-23, 安徽:马鞍山

[17] 司梦婷,于敦喜,陈军,徐明厚. 湿式循环富氧燃烧碱性元素对煤炭反应性的影响. 动力工程学报, 2015, 35: 614-618


[1] 程强, 贾志浩, 宋金霖, 刘杨, 司梦婷. 一种用于硅材料表面的复合结构及其应用.授权专利号:ZL201610301844.9 授权日期:2017.07.10


[1] 基于高光谱成像的锅炉煤粉火焰中碳烟检测机理研究(52206218),国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,在研;

[2] 基于高光谱成像的煤粉火焰中碳烟检测机理研究(FSKLCCA2402),煤燃烧与低碳利用全国重点实验室开放项目,主持,在研;

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于高光谱成像分析的煤焦高温燃烧机理研究(51676077),参与,结题;

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于富氧燃烧锅炉的炉内和锅内过程耦合特性的研究(51776078),参与,结题;

[5] 国家重大科研仪器研制项目,燃烧火焰自由基、颗粒物、主要气态产物光谱/成像检测系统(51827808),参与,结题。


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